Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The team at BullkyEmail would first of all like to thank you for visiting our site here at www.bullkyemail.com. Our services to you, and also your interaction with those services are governed by Terms of Use, which we will outline here.

First, we would like to introduce some of the terms we will be using within this document. These include the following:

"Terms" - These are all of the terms and conditions covered within this document, which we must abide by and which you must also adhere to when you use our services.

"Sites" - This refers the BullkyEmail website at www.bullkyemail.com as well as any other websites utilised by the BullkyEmail team as part of their service. Also included are any mobile applications or other pieces of digital property owned and operated by BullkyEmail.

"Members" - Anyone who signs up to our services is referred to as members within this document. By doing so, they are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions covered within this document, and also to those outlined within the Privacy and Security document.

"Services" - Any medical advice or guidance that we provide is referred to here, collectively, as Services. These include any diagnostic advice we provide, any review or consultation we may offer, and our Quick Prescription repeat prescription service.

"BullkyEmail' Medical Professionals" - When you have an online video consultation, or when any diagnosis is provided to you, it will always come from a trained and qualified doctor or medical professional. These people are referred to in this document as "BullkyEmail' Medical Professionals".

"Professional Report" - As part of our service, we will provide reports and analysis to you based upon your condition and your symptoms. These will always be delivered by BullkyEmail' Medical Professionals, which means you can trust thoroughly in what the report tells you. These reports are referred to here as "Professional Reports".

If you use any of our sites or services, you are demonstrating that you accept both the Terms and Conditions outlined here, and the Privacy and Security details outlined in this other document. If you find a term which you do not agree with in either document, then please desist using our sites or our services immediately.

You may decide to contact us to discuss the term which you do not agree with. However, bear in mind that we reserve the right to uphold all terms and conditions covered here, so as to protect the rights of other users.

Please be advised that BullkyEmail' Medical Professionals can provide only medical information and repeat prescriptions via Quick Prescription. This means that we can not and do not offer any medical care, any diagnosis, or any treatment. We can, however, offer medical certification and other documentation to you. For the purposes of using our services and our sites, no doctor-patient relationship will be formed between an BullkyEmail Medical Professional or any member. However, the personal information of the member will be treated with the utmost privacy and professionalism. You can find more information on this in the Privacy and Security document.

The services are delivered with the sole intention of giving medical information to members, which can be used and acted on either by the members themselves or by their physician. The Professional Report may be used for no other purposes than those discussed here. A list of prohibited uses is included below.


Everything that you are able to access via the BullkyEmail's sites is presented 'as seen'. This means that there are no guarantees or warranties, either explicitly stated or implied.

The BullkyEmail team disclaim all such guarantees or warranties, including those implied warranties which relate to fitness and suitability for a particular purpose, and we will enforce this disclaimer to the full extent of all applicable laws.

Members are also prohibited from taking any information we provide as a guarantee that our sites will be constantly available and error free. Members are asked to take it in good faith that we will do our best to make sure that our sites are operational and accessible, but that this cannot always be guaranteed. We can also not guarantee that all problems will be put right and that our servers or the sites themselves are free from harmful content such as viruses.

Members are also asked to take it in good faith that the BullkyEmail team will use all the resources available to them to make sure that the content we provide is both accurate and contemporaneous. This should not be taken as a guarantee or an implied warranty that this would be the case, and this disclaimer illustrates this.

If information from our BullkyEmail Medical Professionals is inaccurate, non-relevant, late, incomplete, or is defective in some other way, the BullkyEmail team accepts no responsibility or liability for this. This also applies to all information contained within any of our sites.

In some cases, applicable laws may prohibit the exclusion of implied or explicit warranties. In these cases, the exclusions stated above may not actually apply to you and your situation.

Prohibited Uses of Sites and Services

Members and other users agree never to;

  • Use the sites to send or transmitting any unlawful information, content, or material. This includes any material which is considered hateful or harassing, objectionable, or harmful to our site or computer systems in any way, including simply cause it to delay.
  • Use a false identity or to falsify personal information. This includes implying an affiliation to another individual or body when this is not the case.
  • Prevent another person from accessing our sites or services, or inhibiting this access in any way. This includes the disclosure of any personal information collected from this website, as well as the action of collecting this information from the site.
  • Reverse engineer any of the systems or technologies used to create our sites or to provide any of our services. This includes examining or dissembling any offerings with a view to understanding and using these technologies for your own purposes, including non-commercial ones.
  • Use the sites to launch any automated systems or processes. These include, but are not limited to, robots and spiders. We will monitor the network to make sure that no such activity is taking place.
  • Use the sites to distribute spam, chain letters, or any other unsolicited messages, whether used to phish for details, to market products, or for any other purposes.
  • Use the sites to distribute or to make available viruses, worms, spyware or other code designed for malicious purposes, as defined under Australian law, whether this code is designed to harm our systems, those of our members, or of anyone.
  • Violate the terms and conditions outlined in this document, or any of the laws which support them.
  • Modify any of these documents or any of the services offered on our sites.
  • Help or be an accomplice to anyone seeking to do any of the above.

Intellectual Property Rights

All of the materials and services covered within these documents and across all of our sites, including the design and organisation of these materials, are completely the property of BullkyEmail and are copyrighted as such. There are some exceptions to this; in these cases, intellectual property rights belong to our suppliers and vendors. All of this is protected by applicable intellectual property laws in Australia, and are enforceable globally.

All trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are covered under these intellectual property laws and also remain the property of BullkyEmail and any applicable licensees or vendors.

By accessing this site and our services, and by agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined here and elsewhere, you are licensed only to access and view the site and its content. You may not take this agreement as an explicit or implicit permission to do anything else with the sites, the services, or the content. This includes altering, removing, obscuring or otherwise tampering with any part of the materials covered on our sites and elsewhere. If any rights have not been specifically defined here, they can be considered to have been reserved by BullkyEmail.

Members and non-members are not permitted to duplicate or copy any of the material on our sites or delivered by our services, whether for commercial gain or for any other reason. No selling, trading, or other exploitation of what we provide will be permitted. Linking to the site is also not permitted.

Advertisement-Free Policy

BullkyEmail has a staunch, no advertising policy. This means there will be no promotion, marketing, or sponsorship of third party goods and services on any of our sites. Please do not contact us with sponsorship or marketing opportunities, and please inform us if you see any of our promotional material or any of our sites displaying third-party products or services.

External Linking

In the course of providing information and advice to our patients, we shall sometimes provide links to third-party websites. Please be aware that these links and the websites they lead to are not under the control of BullkyEmail and that our linking to them is not an endorsement nor a sponsorship. The terms listed here do not apply to these websites and we can make no guarantees as to their content. This means we accept no liability for these websites.

Limits of Liability

By using our sites and our services, you agree to waive any liability that could be held by BullkyEmail. This includes its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensees and suppliers. In the event that you violate these terms and conditions, the costs of any demands or charges brought against BullkyEmail will be borne by you, including - and without limitation - any attorney and accountancy fees.

In the event that you experience loss of profits, loss of use, litigation, or any other loss as defined by Australian law, regardless of if this is based upon a breach of contract or tort, as result of your use of the materials and services provided by BullkyEmail, BullkyEmail cannot be held liable. This includes all instances of the above which are related to our sites and our services, including cases in which we have been unable to provide our services to you on request. BullkyEmail assumes no liability for any decisions or actions taken based upon usage of the sites listed in this document.


BullkyEmail sites and services are designed for those above the age of 13. This means those under the age of 13 are not permitted to access the sites and their materials, or use any of the services we provide. By accessing the sites and services, you are confirming that you are 13 years old or over. BullkyEmail will gather no personal information regarding anyone under the age of 13.


BullkyEmail sites and services are under the jurisdiction of the laws of Australia. If any of the terms outlined in this document are found to be in violation of the laws or provisions of any court - and that court has its own recognisable jurisdiction, this will not affect any of the other clauses or terms within this document. All other terms shall remain in effect and enforceable.


Any violation of these terms will result in immediate restriction from using our sites or services in any way. This means you will not be able to use these sites or services unless you adhere to the terms outlined here. The decision to bar access to sites and services is undertaken by BullkyEmail alone, and BullkyEmail is not obliged to provide a reason or a right of appeal. This action may be in addition to other actions taken by BullkyEmail within the bounds of the law. If any third-party websites or organisations decide to take any kind of action against you, or to terminate your service on their websites, BullkyEmail cannot be held accountable.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

BullkyEmail reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, with no advance notice or warning given. As soon as these changes are published, they are considered to be in effect. By using BullkyEmail sites and services, you agree to check back to this document regularly, to stay abreast of any changes. This document will remain the definitive list of terms indefinitely.

All terms listed here are in effect as of 03/12/18.